martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Gracias 2013

Un año termina y ante mí, un capítulo nuevo del libro de mi vida por escribir en el 2014.

Esta noche con las campanadas, cerraré los ojos y pediré con todo mi corazón amor, mucho amor y sonrisas para tod@s los que habitan el corazón de Lunarcita.

2013 ha sido un año completito, en todos los aspectos. Pero oye, nada de lágrimas ácidas y tristezas!!!hay que ser positivos y happys!!! Regálame una sonrisa venga. Hay que celebrar que tenemos 365 días nuevos, bonitos y llenos de aventuras!!Yupiiiiiiiii

He descubierto mogollón de cosas estos meses!!! He aprendido mucho, lo cual me llena de orgullo y aunque ha llovido mucho y ha habido miles de truenos y relámpagos: he visto unos arcoiris preciosos.

Igual esta noche me hago la rebelde y no como uvas, igual unas chuches para endulzar la entrada del año que SERÁ NUESTRO AÑO!!! El próximo día te lo cuento :)

Con cariño, ilusiónenergía mega positiva y sonrisas de colores. Respira hondo. Disfruta de esta noche. Y recuerda, hoy es un día especial, pero y por qué no hacer que todos los días lo sean??? 

Feliz 31 de Diciembre amig@!

With love, Lunarcita

sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

La hora del té

Buenos días!!

Cómo van las Navidades??? Mucho turrón y muchos brindis???

Ayer fue mi día libre, y me apetecía mucho cocinar...así que cogí un libro de recetas y con la ayuda de mi amiga Thermomix, todo hay que decirlo, me puse manos a la obra. Y voilà!!! Unas deliciosas pastas de té!!

Como me gusta jugar a las cocinitas, revolucioné por un momento la cocina y dejé volar mi creatividad pastelera!!

La verdad es que una vez hechas, no tienen misterio, entre comillas. No me salieron tan mal oye!! Hoy quiero compartir contigo la receta. 

una pizca de amor
una cucharadita de abrazos
unos 20 gramos de ilusión
un kilo de sonrisas
ganas de sentirte super chef

otros complementarios:

harina (400 gr)
azúcar glas (120 gr.)
mantequilla (220 gr.)
un huevo

//Duda: Y cuántas me van a salir? Pues a mi me salieron muchas!! Unas cuatro horneadas, que tiene su punto positivo, vas viendo como quedan y así las mejoras!!! //

Tal y como te he dicho, yo he tenido ayuda de la Thermomix, pero con una batidora seguro que salen igual de yummy!!! En mi caso, velocidad 6, 20 segundos. Si tú lo haces con una batidora quizá me puedes ayudar y dar consejos!!! 

Ojo!!Hasta que no veas que la masa esté compacta, a batir!!

Cómo empezar: 

En un recipiente pon todos los ingredientes y a batir. Una vez hecha la masa, envuélvela en papel transparente y métela en la nevera 15 minutos. 

Mientras enciende el horno, a 180º. Puedes aprovechar para recoger la cocina, así no te sientes tan mal por el torbellino que has preparado! Con música de fondo que te haga sentir super happy!!!

Después, en una bandeja y con un rodillo empieza la aventura!! (consejo: para evitar que se pegen a la bandeja: papel de horno).

Utiliza moldes, y si no tienes c ´est ne pas problem, manos para que os quiero!!!! Yo utilicé unos moldes geniales que me regaló mi amiga Maite!!Estrellitas!!!

Calcula unos 12 minutos al horno. Si ves que se empiezan a dorar: sácalas, para que no se queden tan duras!!

Si quieres las pastas de dos colores..

Una vez hecha la masa, divídela en dos partes. Una mitad la puedes guardar en la nevera bien envuelta y la otra, la que quieres de chocolate, métela otra vez en la Thermomix con una cucharada de chocolate puro en polvo. Yo la puse a la misma velocidad (vel. 6) pero sólo a 6 segundos. . 

Te propongo un plan...

La típica tarde que no tienes nada que hacer, y te apetece un té con tus amig@s, charlar, disfrutar de una tarde divertida, relax. Invítales y sorpréndeles con unas monísimas pastas de té, hechas por ti con mucho amor. Cuando lo hagas cuéntamelo y compartimos secretos de cocina!!

Ayer, hicimos un taller creativo de amiguis en mi casa. Isela & Saray vinieron a mi hogar y estuvimos haciendo etiquetas (tags) para los regalos navideños!! Fue genial, y les preparé un té con las pastas que les encantaron!!

Ten un bonito y dulce sábado!!!

With love, Lunarcita

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

It´s almost Christmas time!!!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Christmas is almost here!!! Is back!!! Everything is colorful, love is in the air, hapiness and loads of ho ho ho!!!

I love it!! It´s not because of the presents. It´s because I could be singing all day!!Sorry mommy, sorry P,sorry neighborhood!!!

Christmas should be all year, I mean, Why don´t we try to be nice and happy everyday??? not just in december? Why don´t we try to shine and smile a tuesday raining day in march??Saying hello to your neighbor and wishing him a happy day, having dinner with nice music and great company... and eat chocolate!

It´s not so difficult, right? Let´s try it next year. It´s time for changes, changes for good, be proud of ourselves and remember forever and ever, every tinny moment. Always with a smile in our beautiful face.

For you, my friend. All I want for Xmas is YOU

Just you, share with you my dreams. Because together, problems are less ugly, more friendly and no so important.

My wish list for 2014 is:

-Wake up always in the right side.
-Learn new things.
-Cook with love, lovely new recipes. For example, carrot cake (one of my favorite).
-Read more.
-Walk. Gym. Be healthy.
-Learn jokes.
-Eat an apple everyday.

I will check my list from time to time, to remind me who I wanna be and don´t forget what I wanna do.

How about yours? Are you ready for a new year? Ready for changes, for chances? Ready to live the life you want?

Enjoy with your family and friends, sing a lot, dance with your mother, ask Santa for smiles and love. Make handmade presents, because they are more special. And sing louder again!!!

Santa baby-Kylie Minogue

"Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don´t mean on the phone
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight"

Lunarcita wish you a Merry Christmas!!Keep a happy song in your mind and feel good!!

Jingle Bells - Frank Sinatra

This is my favorite, Frank Sinatra´s voice is wonderful!!

With love, Lunarcita

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

Nice to meet you Conn Bux


How are you feeling this tuesday? It´s freezing outside!! Today is my day off.

And it´s time to talk about music, you know that I love music.

I admire his work and his style. He´s Conn Bux. From Ireland, living in Logroño. Five albums and I had the pleasure to be in a few of his concerts.

If you like rock, soul and folk, you should check his website: 

This is the new song Everything burnsWhat do you think? It´s great, isn´t?

Have a nice day & smile!

With love, Lunarcita.

PS: That´s just a sneak peek, new post about his work soon... with pictures :)

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Pink Ladies

Morning!!!!!Cómo se presenta el domingo??

Tenía muchas ganas de que llegara el 14 de diciembre para poder participar en Pink ladies!!!

Como te conté en mi anterior post Think pink, ayer tuvo lugar en Logroño un torneo benéfico de Black Jack, en Electra Rioja Gran Casino. Un granito de arena para recaudar fondos destinados a la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer.

Fue una noche divertida, aprendimos a jugar en el taller con un croupier!!!y fíjate!! llegué a la final y todo!! Qué emoción!!

Cóctel de bienvenida, picoteo y gente con ganas de pasarlo bien, todo ello lleno de sonrisas y cariño por una buena causa. Me reencontré con blogueras, nos conocimos un poquito más y estuvimos con los patrocinadores del evento. Fue una gran noche. 

Un bolso de Mikonos, unos guantes y un collar precioso de Sol&Sol, unas gafas de Ramón Óptica, un kit de Perfumerías Douglas, dos bonos de una noche del Hotel Gran Vía, y un pack de vino de la Bodega San Esteban. Vamos, que los premios para los finalistas eran estupendos!!! Yo gané un bono de regalo de Husa Hoteles!! Yupiiiiii

Gracias por darme la oportunidad de participar Carmen Velarde. Échale un vistazo a su página (por cierto, me encanta el detalle de  los copos de nieve, queda menos para Navidad!!!).

El departamento de Relaciones Públicas del Casino nos trató muy bien, un abrazo chicas!!!

Si no pudiste ir, la próxima vez no te lo puedes perder :)

Disfruta de este soleado domingo!! 

With love, Lunarcita.

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

All you need is love

Buenos días, amiga Pereza déjame salir de casa!!!

Ayer decoramos nuestro hogar y el árbol está precioso!! Quieres verlo?

Cuando pensamos en Navidad, pensamos en regalos, el tembleque de la visa, todas las comilonas y cenas que nos esperan, gastos, villancicos, niños tocando sin cesar las panderetas...

Pero es que a mi esta época me encanta!!

No por los regalos y por gastar, sino porque la ciudad está muy bonita con luces, la gente se desea felices fiestas incluso sin conocerse!!! oye!!!y eso no se ve todos los días!!Ves a un amigo que vive muy lejos muy lejos que vuelve a casa por Navidad, como el turrón!! Y luego están las tentaciones dulces, que si turrón, bombones, polvorones, roscón... vamos, la típica dieta mediterránea!!

Cada año por estas fechas veo Love Actually. Y hoy es el día!! Palomitas apuntadas en mi lista de la compra!! YUJUUUUU

El principio de la película hace que un cosquilleo recorra mi cuerpo, es muy bonito lo que dice la voz en off. Love is all around!! A ti también te gusta la peli?

Si quieres recordarlo, pincha aquí!! Love actually

Me encanta la Navidad, me gusta la felicidad que todos "tenemos"esos días y mi deseo para el 2014 es que esté presente en Febrero, Julio y todos los meses!!! Por eso propongo que este año regalemos sonrisas, abrazos y mucho love!!

Yo me he animado con las postales handmade!!!Que te parece?Te animas tu también??

Si te soy sincera echo de menos recibir postales...Era diver abrir el buzón y encontrar una.Yo soy mu moderna, pero echo de menos esos pequeños detalles que teníamos antes. Tu también estás nostálgic@ de pegar sellos???

Como All you need is love, te dedico esta canción, una versión que me encanta. No te pongas tímid@ que estamos a martes, canta bien alto para que se entere el vecindario de este bonito mensaje!!!

Ten un bonito día y si tienes frío pega unos brincos, que además de entrar en calor te vas a reír un poco!!!

With love, Lunarcita.

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Think Pink

Hola amig@s!!!

Este post se lo dedico a todas las mujeres que forman parte de mi vida. Chicos, no os pogáis celosos que también os llevo en mi pequeño corazón.

Hace unos días empecé a preparar mi nuevo post: Think Pink, pero entre una cosa y otra no he tenido tiempo de terminarlo!! Pero por fin está aquí, además con una noticia que recibí ayer muy importante!!

El 14 de diciembre tendrá lugar  en el Casino de Logroño Electra Rioja Gran Casino, un evento para nosotras chicas, un evento benéfico de la asociación contra el cáncer de mama. 

Pink ladies será un torneo benéfico!!!Te atreves a una partida conmigo al Black Jack??

Con sólo 10 euros podemos poner nuestro granito de arena, y además pasar un buen rato juntas!!!

Será una noche divertida.Yo no se como se juega, pero tranquila, que allí nos darán un taller para las novatas y seguro que aprendemos rapidísimo :) Me ha contado un pajarito que también habrá regalos...

No quiero desvelar más, ven y nos sorprendemos juntas!! Qué te parece??

Cuando se vaya acercando la fecha te daré más detalles, por ahora sólo recuerda que el sábado 14 de diciembre tienes una cita muy especial. A las 20:00 empezará una noche llena de energía positiva...

Habrá un cóctel de bienvenida!!Ponte bien guapa ese día  & Let´s have fun!!! Cuéntaselo a tus amigas que seguro que se apuntan!!! 

Me encanta el rosa.  Me inspira. Me recuerda que yo puedo con esto y mucho más. Mi habitación es blanca y rosa, así que desde que me despierto intento buscar el lado bonito y positivo de la vida. 

¡¡¡Mira que cosas tengo repartidas por mi estantería en mi estudio!!!Pink!Pink!Pink!!!!!!Colecciono esos pequeños detalles que me hacen sonreír, y curiosamente muchos son rosas!!!Es que yo soy muy cursi y muy princess... 

Los colores me hacen feliz. El arco iris es una alegría en un día lluvioso. No se ni cuantos pintauñas rosas inundan mi baño...Y claro, luego encontré en Madrid un Cd increíble, It´s a girl´s world, con voces femeninas como estas:

Inspiración rosa al poder!!!

Qué color te inspira a ti? Con cual te sale una sonrisa cuando el día está gris?

Con mucho love, Lunarcita.

Feliz martes!!!

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

Madrid, Madrid

Good morning!!!

Let´s start this sunday morning with a nice song!!

Like I told you, I went to Madrid and I had a wonderful time! I went to a fair called Creativa and I had the pleasure to be in two classes with Elena, from Pega, papel o tijeras in Pepa Paper stand. I learnt a lot with her, she is a really nice teacher. 

I spent my saturday in the fair and WOW!!!! I didn´t know where to look at... I wanted everything!!!

I also had time for great dinners with great company. I try to taste different food when I travel, from other countries and learn more their gastronomy. We went to an arabic restaurant and an indian. Delicious!!!

I discovered La central!!!What a place!!!! If you haven´t been there, I think you would like it. It´s a building full of cute and good books, with a cafeteria where you can read a book and relax for a while. P and I had breakfast on sunday and we bought a few things!! We were so happy with our new books!!  My book´s name is El herbario de las hadas. I will write about it in a future post, because the book is amazing.

Shopping time, walk around and have a drink with old friends. It was a great week-end. We will be back soon :) I´m sure we will back for a glass of wine and the typical calamares in Mercado de San Miguél .

Enjoy this sunday and have fun!! Loads of smiles :)

With love, Lunacita

sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013

Hello November!!!

Hello there!!


How are you? I´ve been bussy the last two weeks... I´m finishing my course.. lots of exams... I started French at the School of Languages...

Bonjour, Ça va?
Ça va bien et toi?

... I went to Madrid too... So much to tell you, so little time... But let´s chillax, there´s time for everything.

How was your Halloween?? This is one of my favourite movies (Tim Burton one of the best for me). 

No children knocked my door... So no trick or treat. Did you celebrate? Or dressed up? Next year I want to!! Maybe be a vampire for a night :) could be fun!!

Just a sneak peek of my next post. Enjoy this saturday morning :) 

With love, Lunarcita

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Une fée / A fairy / Un hada


Cette vidéo est très jolie!!!


How are you doing??

Today I woke up with a song in my head...Last week a classmate showed me the video, and I have to say that it´s so cute, Zaz voice is magnifique!!! What can I say!!

I believe in fairies too. Je crois en fées

Enjoy the song and have a great monday!!! Smile!!

Zaz - une fée

With love, Lunarcita

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013


Hi friend!!

How is October going?  It´s raining a bit in Logroño. I love this weather!!!

I told you about my new hobbie: scrapbooking. I wanna share with you what I finished yesterday in  Corazón de papel (the workshop where I´m learning), I did something special for my grandfather. He loves photography and I decided to surprise him with something beautiful about his love. 

He´s so happy - I have to say- and he wants something similar with his parents´s pictures. Nice memories, don´t you think? It´s beautiful remember people who are not here anymore, but they are in our heart. I know that my grandmom -Luisa- would love what I did. Don´t you think that she is really pretty? And of course Isaac, my grandpa.

Would you like to create something like this and make someone really happy??

What´s your opinion about my new proyect??Do you like it?? 

It´s wednesday, just two days and: hello week-end!!! What are your plans? Any idea?. Enjoy and be happy.

With love, Lunarcita.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

My Happy Book

Hello friend!!

Welcome back Autumn!!!! 

When you are feeling blue, you need something new, something to fly away and breath. And that´s what happened to me with Scrapbooking.

As I can remember, I was a girl who loved drawings and colorful papers...always creating something nice and funny. And now my home is full of washi-tapes and crafts and stamps, bla bla blaaa....I´m driving my mother crazy (and my love).

Scrapbooking gave me back a lot things. It´s amazing. It makes me feel good, really good, I have so many things to learn, but I´m enjoying every moment, I´m a newbie on this, but, like I told you before, I love learning new things.

So going back to the point. Scrapbooking. A girl told me about a place in my city, Logroño, a workshop, called Corazón de papel. And I didn´t wait a sec, I was near by, so I went there. What a fantastic surprise: lovely place, and lovely woman. Esther is my teacher and I´m learning a lot with her. Her patience, her knowledge...

Why don´t you check it out? There are a lot of courses, have a look!!!! I know you´ll love it.

I started my Scrapbooking classes inmediatly. And I would love to show you what I´ve been doing. It´s My Happy Book. I wanted to create a book about wonderful feelings, about smiles and happiness.

In the first page I wrote this: "Come and have a look to this happy book when the sun is down and you can´t see the stars. I´ll make you smile."

It´s my first scrapbooking proyect, so is not perfect :) but trust me, the second one is coming soon...I´ll let you know.

I hope you like it, and I wish you a really nice weekend. Enjoy, dance and smile. 

With love, Lunarcita

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013


Hi there!!

How was the end of the month??I have so many things to tell you...Don´t worry, step by step, I´ll introduce you slowly to my magical adventure of beeing twenty-eight years old.

My birthday was one week ago (August 28th). Beautiful day around beautiful people. I love my new number: 28!! I don´t care about "growing up" or "getting old", I love it! I know what I want and where I wanna be. So proud of myself hihihi (happy giggles)

In my happy day, I felt like a princess, so loved, and that´s because people in my life are awesome. My boyfriend is the best, What can I say about him? He´s my half, my love, my everything. He made my day, he made me smile 24 hours with a lot of surprises in my happy Happy Birthday.

It´s seems like I´ve been a good girl, presents, love, hugs...and butterflies around my heart. What a wonderful birthday!!

Three beautiful ladies, Laia, Danahe and Maya, came to visit me, so we (Pedro, Lissy and I) showed them our city. We had so much fun, right girls??

To you, my sweetheart, I love you so much, You make me feel like I can fly. I feel so lucky. I have no words to thank you enough. I´m speechless.

Last friday my friend Vero and I were surprised for our friends! It was a very special Birthday Party!! Look how cool was our photo-call!!! Great food, good music, little candles, the sky was full of stars... and the company: the best. Love, happiness and laughts. Thanks to all of you to make us smile.

Summer days are almost gone. My friends -Laia, Danahe and the little Maya- came back home and I´ve started my classes again. Good point: see my classmates. Bad point: We have an exam next week.

As John Locke says in Lost: "Everything happens for a reason". I didn´t get my intership, but It only means that something bigger is chasing me, It´s coming something better.

Enjoy this week and be happy. Don´t forget your smile. What are your plans this weekend?

By the way, HELLO SEPTEMBER!!!

Thanks to my family, my friends and thanks to you for reading me.

With love, Lunarcita.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Sweet Holidays

Hello friend!! How is your summer days going??

I came two weeks ago from my vacations. I really needed a break. And we spent (my love, my dog & Lunarcita) so lovely days in the beach, in Salou.

It was Lissy-first-time for holidays, and I have to tell you that she enjoyed a lot!!! Imagine how we disconnected that we didn´t even watch tv in one week!!! Great, isn´t it?? Sometimes you need to close your eyes and just hear the little waves, feel the sunset in your face, and silence for a while.

I have discovered wonderful artists!!! Wanna hear them??? We were in El rinconcito del mar, a cozy and friendly bar with a wonderful view of Salou, and we listened one of their songs, what a magic moment!!!Our happy family there watching the sunset... speechless. They are Angus and Julia Stone. They have really nice songs, my favorites are Chocolates and cigarettes and Little bird

This one is a nice and sweet version of a classic, wanna check it out???You´re the one that I want (cover by Angus and Julia Stones). Hope you like it!!

What do you think about their music??

And we where there, watching the sunset, with a drink and great music. Smiling, dreaming, feeling. Love was in the air, as always.

Have a nice tuesday. And don´t forget your smile :)

With love, Lunarcita

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Loving Kawaii :)

Hi there!!!

How are you feeling today???I´m great, I have started my vacations (YUPIIIIII). I don´t have class for a month. I´m gonna miss my classmates. But, hello free-time!!!I´m back!!! You should see my relaxed and happy face right now.

Today I was thinking that I wanna learn more about Kawaii. Do you know what is Kawaii?? The word is an adjective in japanese that means cute, pretty, lovely. So cool!!!isn´t it??  It´s a really cute art. Funny faces, fruits with smiles or cakes with adorable eyes and nice messages. It´s a very popular phenomenon. Colorful illustrations, full of rainbows and happiness. I LOVE IT!!!

The following artists inspire me. Their work is incredible, and they get something really important, make people smile. The shapes, the little details, everything is so sweet!!

Clémentine Dérodit is a french graphic designer and illustrator. Her porfolio is amazing and cute, of course. I´ve discovered her work this morning, and I have to say that´s is a really great work. If you are curious about what I´m talking about, check her web site, and then, tell me what do you think :)

Clémentine Dérodit


Tokidoki was created by an italian artist called Simone Legno and his partners (Pooneh Mohajer ans Ivan Arnorld) in 2005. My favourite one is Donutella, the sweet girl dressed up like a doughnut!!! If you wanna know more about her, check it out: Donutella (Tokidoki) 

Donutella by Tokidoki

Do you know more about graphic designers? or Kawaii???Would you share with me??? :)

Enjoy and dance a lot this weekend. August is coming!!!and in one happy happy birthday!!!! Have fun!!

Love, Lunarcita

domingo, 21 de julio de 2013


Hello :) How is your weekend going?

Mine is great, this morning I did a few things, and I want to show you. DIY (Do it yourself) is my new thing!! Crafts are in right now, and I have to admit...I´m addicted. 

I started decorating my table with washi-tapes, then my notebook, even a plug (my mum was like...what´s are you doing?) and now I love DIY Blogs, and I´m learning new decoration tricks, so cool. A cute and "easy" hobby: with an empty jar, you can get a little and lovely vase. Just need time, relax and creativity. Great, right?

In August I don´t have class, I will be free to decorate and enjoy all my materials! Yupi!!!!Inspiration come to me then!!!

My little advice: just enjoy and redecorate your life. A Recycled jar, your own paper-bag for a present, open your mind, listen nice music, and be ready to have fun and have a break in our stressful life!! No rules, just the power of imagination.

I just tried this three things today, the "little flags" (for my next party, for example), Lissy´s crown :), and with two of my favorites washi-tapes I did the jar for candles. I will do more this week, keep an eye on my blog :)

I´ve been listening today Norah Jones, I love her naïve and beautiful voice. My favorites songs are Cold,cold heart,Shoot the moon, Come away with me, and Turn me on

What do you think? Perfect soundtrack for the end of the day, with a glass of white wine, isn´t it?

Enjoy this beautiful evening, have a nice week and smile.

Love, Lunarcita.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

A brand new me


Sometimes we need to reset ourselves, change something that make us feel like every day is the same, we are the same since forever, going to the same places, wearing the same T-shirt, listening the same cd...Just do it!! Change something in your life and feel like a brand new.

I feel relief changing my look for example (cutting my hair was amazing, made me feel like a butterfly´s metamorphosis). Changes are good. Don´t be afraid.

I´m turning twenty eight next month, and I love the number!!!I know that we have to move on, we can´t stop and see what happen around us, without trying to do our best. Maybe I haven´t found my way yet, but I´m sure It´s gonna happen soon, really (sparkling-eyes-and-dreaming-smile in my face).

So I started to learn a new language: Hello German!!!!I´ve lived in Holland for a while so I was used to hear dutch, and I though: "come one, give German a shot, It can´t be so complicated...You had learnt a little bit of dutch...." BUT no, It´s super difficult, but I love it. Now I have something to get better, something to improve, make a huge effort, and then...I will feel fantastic and I will have another language in my bagage. Sounds great, Isn´t it?

I need to re-new my hope in my life. Hope is the key to be a better person, to be a better proffesional. To be happy. And, Who doesn´t want to be smiling or having fun in life?

Don´t forget the power of faith. Mind is powerful too. So tell to yourself "I can do it" and you will. Sometimes I need "this litte push" to face the situation and try to control the disaster, but I´m growing up, life is about that, make mistakes and learn a new thing every day. So, according to that, that´s what I´m trying to do. Learn. Because learn is fun, is grateful and is amazing.

Lunarcita is still little, but she needs to open her wings and fly away and discover what wonderful things can happen and what could happen if she flies far away. She has to discover it by herself.

You are not too old or too young to learn. And that´s beautiful. It´s impossible to get bored then. Let´s do it!!Let´s face our fears and fight against them and let´s win. And learn about it.

Don´t close your window, open it and birds will sing for you every morning a new song, Sun will bring you light and Moon will let you dream. The point is we need to recycle. And like I´ve said a lot today, learn.

Love, Lunarcita

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Things that make me happy

Happy tuesday!!!!How are you doing this week??

Money doesn´t give happiness, or that´s what we have to believe to continue our lifes, right? :) Just kidding. There are a lot of little things, daily moments, that make us feel on the top. What are your favorite things? What comes to your mind If I ask you what things/moments/feelings make you smile?

I love colors. Pink, red, blue, green, black....All of them, mix them, have new ones....And I love coloful things, colorful clothes, I adore PINK. It represents part of me: my childhood. I´m a childish adult, with a child taste and I´m a very grown up girl.Trust me :)

The sun shinning in my face.

How relaxing is the sound of the waves, lay down in the beach, with a jumper, at the end of the afternoon. No bubble thoughts, just the sound of the sea. The bittersweet waves, I mean, Sea can be brave, very brave, but then it´s nothing, and a second after it´s a sweet melody in your head.

A good morning kiss.That fix everything.

The sunset, drinking a glass of white wine with your lovelife in your side. And If It´s in front of the sea, better.

Feeling the freedom riding my bike and feeling the fresh air in my face.

Sing when I´m alone at home. But sing like If I were a pop star. Poor neighbors and poor my little and cute Lissy. Mamma Mia songs and Christmas Carols are my favorites. Even If it´s august I can sing Jingle Bells Rock. Seriously.

Enjoy a nap after a crazy and bussy day.

Play to be a cook and create delicious food. My mum is the best, so I should have a little touch of that, don´t you think?

Go back in time and be a kid as my niece and my nephew when I´m playing with them. Acting like we were a dentist, dancers...or animals. Drawing, creating rings with paper or decorate the room with handmade garlands.

My love, the only and the one.

Enjoy a chocolate ice-cream the hottest summer day. And be a mess, and have chocolate even in my hair or my glasess (I´m exaggerating a bit, you know).

Learn something new for me. Now is German. Happy face :)

Travel. Who say that you can not travel without money!!!??? Close your eyes, wait a sec, here you are...(disconecting in 3 2 1 0). And travel, if is with you, my sweetheart, better. Next wish trip: USA.

Giggle. A lot, and for what? I don´t know...but it´s funny.

A new beginning. A new open door. Write down in a new notebook. The smell of a new book. Refresh your mind.

Dance in front of a mirror, and see your dog face thinking, what the hell are you doing??? And then, take her, and dance with Lissy. She is happy when I do that, She loves it.

Rainy days. When I don´t want to get out of my bed. These lazy days.

My dog sleepy face. When she yawns is cute. It´s my little one. It´s my family. My princess.


The birds singing in the early morning. I feel like cincerella when they help her in the movie....and my day start with a smile.

My family. My friends. And all their laughts and jokes.

Cupcakes made by my mum, yummy yummy. Oh, I forgot to mention the carrot cake!!!!

Surprises. Make a handmade present. Even just a love note. Make me feel nervous. Would he like it?? Is it to kistch? :)

A hug. And another one. And two more.

Eat popcorns in the cinema.

The smell of clean clothes.

The first rays in the morning and the last ones of the day.

Blankets in winter days and blankets when the sun is down and the window is open. That fresh air coming inside my house is so relaxing and peaceful.

 Now, it´s your turn my friend. What make you happy????

Love, Lunarcita

sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Hello July

Hello there, I´m back!!! How is the summer going?

Long time no talk!! Sorry :( I´ve been busy (exams!!! by the way, I did it well, so proud of myself), classes and new adventures: wanna know????

Sometimes we need to try new things to have fun and forget the -not very good times-. So I ´ve started with two beautiful ladies: belly dance!!! My friends and I had our first class last tuesday and was amazing!!! energy everywhere, we spent the class learning new moves, and what a moves!!Really distressing!!!We are gonna have loads of fun in this course. New fresh air is perfect for this July.

First of all, these last few days had been a bit strange, lonely days, I´ve been missing you, I know you are there, taking care of all of us that love you till the end of the world. Have no words to describe you, you were, are and will be a bright star, so I know where to find you when I need you, and you always give me back a beautiful smile. Always together. 

Here comes the sun little darling, here comes the sun...I say It´s all right...It´s all right. 

Little darling It´s been a long cold and lonely winter, little darling It feels like years since you´ve been here...

[Here comes the sun, Nina Simone]

When I look into the sky you are there, both of you, my friend, my grandma, my angels. I Love you, and I will always do.

Changing the subject, I have a surprise! I did a contest for Privalia´s anniversary. Privalia and Mr Wonderful chose five winners...and one of them It was ME and I won a fantastic prize!!! thanks so much for that, I´m a fan of your work, so imagine my face when I read your email!!!

I want to share with you the beautiful things they sent me, a lot of positive messages that made my week! Thanks again :) You are wonderful

I´ve been reading Mr Wonderful book: Cosas no aburridas para ser la mar de feliz, and like a rainbow full of happiness and positive thoughts, come to me and make me feel better!funny and beautiful little stories to feel like a brand new. I really recomend it. They also have a blog, check it out:

To everyone who needs something to cheer up, watch this video, I always do when I feel unwillingly.

Today is a beautiful day!!!No clouds in the sky...the sun is shinning....perfect for a walk and a HUGE SMILE!!!! Enjoy and be happy

Love, Lunarcita

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Welcome Summer

Morning sunshine,

Today is a special day:

Summer is here!!! (happy faces...yuhuuuuu)

It´s friday!! So free time is here too...Niiiiiceeee :)

How can we forget summer memories, summer lovers, parties all night, and crazy trips with our friends??????????

It´s sweet remember beautiful moments that made that summer long time ago. What´s your favorite one??

The one I was living in Holland was GREAT, the surroundings where like a beautiful country, and I had so much fun with my friends from all over the world!! Big hug for you girls!!!

My last camp (14 years ago I think?) was AMAZING, we "learn" how to sail a little boat, unforgettable time.

The last exams in the College. Study was hard, but we had time for fun :)

My present for you is a few songs that make me dance like crazy, well not so crazy hehe and I hope you enjoy it. If you don´t feel powerfull this morning, give it a chance to this songs and dance like there´s no tomorrow!!

The weather in my city is not so good, even if It´s the first summer day, but anyway, it´s a new day. Let´s smile!!! I wish you a wonderful day, let´s share our dreams!!!What do you think? 

[And of course, this summer is gonna be the best!!!]

And for my fairy godmother, Happy Birthday, I wish you an incredible day in the sky, lots of hugs, kisses and love.

Love, Lunarcita

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

About LOVE

Morning!!!!Hello there!!

Open your window, look, It´s a sunny day!!Hello Sun!!!

Draw a huge smile in your face in this beautiful day! Here, in my city, Logroño, it´s San Bernabe, so today I´m off and I am gonna have fun!! I´ll walk around, there are a lot of things to see, and maybe catch a few rays, have a drink and enjoy my free time. Love it :) and of course, with a wonderful company.

I woke up with a Roxette song in my head.. maybe because of the weather, lots of memories came to my mind...summer is there, in the corner.

//Is One of my favorite songs ever// Before I melt like snow....I say hello, how do you do...

Talking about´s your heart? what do you think about feeling butterflies in the stomach? Do you feel that right now?

Love makes the world go round. Don´t you think? There are many kinds of love. Close your eyes and smell the fresh green grass, feel the sun´s rays in your face, take a deep breath, open your arms, and shout. Feel free. 

To be loved, you have to love you first, be in peace with yourself. And then, that´s the moment when  see you star, guiding you. 

A lot of people is "seeking Mr./Ms. Right", I guess their clock is ticking or just wanna share their lives with their "half". We need love to live. I have to say that I´m a lucky girl, I found him, without looking, I guess was our destiny. 

But, What happen when you have found your Mr. Right? The love of your life?

The answer is easy as a fly up to the moon, you ´re smiling most of the time, finding everything  cute around you, singing -not just in the shower-...

And how wonderful is that feeling, falling in love, isn´t it?

"with every kiss and every hug you make me fall in love
You are too good to be truth, can´t take my eyes off of you"

//this song is in my brain when we are together. Can´t take my eyes off of you//

Have you read Lunarcita´s fairy tale? I write for you a piece, I hope you like it. 

"Once upon a time....
In a little world full of pink dots and cupcakes far far away, lived Lunarcita, a little girl with her little dog, called Lissy. There she was, dancing with the butterflies and ladybirds, with a flower crown... and suddenly, her charming Prince came into her world.
He looked at her, and Lunarcita disapeared in a deep forest full of fantasy and magic. Precious feeling. Just a look and her head was feeling dizzy and her cheeks were rouges like beautiful roses. She found him, her one and only. Since then, a few little birds sing for them every moring in their window. 
They were made for each other. The prince stole Lunarcita´s heart and her dog´s heart too. It´s said that they were a match made in heaven. And they lived happily ever after."

Open your mind, open your heart, and let love get inside you. Let´s get a bit crazy ( in a good way). And say those three little words. And smile. You never know where Cupido is going to be.

Have you heard about Chantilly? I discovered her music and I really love her voice, her songs are fantastic. If you don´t know her, give her a chance, I´m sure you´ll adore her music. And then tell me what´s your opinion! Enjoy :) My favorite song is Just the way you are, well and What you do to me, Don´t wanna wait...well, as you can see I can´t choose just one ;)

Love is in the air, dress a beautiful smile.

Love, Lunarcita

sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Oh happy day!Oh rainy day!

It´s saturday, free time is here (happy face). June starts a little bit shy, between some -not very friendly - clouds and wind. 

Life continues without matter the weather, so let´s enjoy this afternoon with a smile in our face :) I´ts so easy to do it, right? Even If in one hour It´s raining like cats and dogs!!Don´t forget to wear your beautiful smile. And use a cute umbrella, with a lot of colors. 

Decorate your life with spring colors: green, pink, yellow, orange. I had changed something in my room...just to give it a colorful touch, kind of princess details. I´m sure it will make me have sweet dreams.

It´s a good idea re-decorate your home, maybe just a picture or put a bunch of roses to give a lovely air to our home sweet home. I did it and after that I feel like a brand new.

What´s your favorit season? Mine is winter. But I love the touch of the sun in my face in summer, the sounds of the birds early in the morning, a full moon in a summer day, the sunset in the beach. I had missed the springtime this week. Really. 

This morning I was thinking how the weather can change our mood. When the sun is shining is like "everybody is happy and laughing lala lala lala" but If the Sky gives a storms or thunders, we get upset. Poor Sky, don´t blame him, It´s not his fault.

Tiding up my room I found old drawings that I did long time ago,  I would love to share them with you, old memories, just a few lines mixed, not so good, but somehow special for me. 

My auntie told me this afternoon that my "studio" is totally Lunarcita,  full of tinny-pink-things, old toys, books, fairy tales, my table re-decorated with washi-tape...result: no more space.

Let´s try something: we are gonna have fun, with umbrella, boots or sunglasses. Just relax and enjoy the little moments that make us feel alive. And If it´s raining, jump into a puddle of rain like a child!  I love that.

This weekend, let´s catch some rays, or drops of rain! But whatever happen, with a huge smile. What plans do you have for tonight? Are you going to discover a new place tomorrow? Tell me all about it. I have to study (a lot) so I have to be here, at home, in my little space full of papers and pencils and notes, and pink post-it, and yellow post-it. I wanna get a 10 next week in my exam (so optimistic,  right?). Wish me luck in my study hours!! //lazy Lunarcita//

I found this graphic design proyects, I did around five years ago. I still have this coat!!!The "70´s one", It´s my favorit!! Funny :)

I wish you a nice evening and a wonderful sunday. Enjoy, dance, and smile, always.

Love, Lunarcita